Wirtschaft im Ilm-Kreis
Wir prüfen ständig, ob unser Anspruch den Realitäten gerecht
wird. Wenn wir den Bereich Schule-Wirtschaft besser etabliert
haben, können wir viel besser Aktionen wie Messen und Unterneh-
mensbesuche organisieren und sind da wesentlich besser aufge-
stellt. Wir haben bereits einige Kooperationen von Unternehmen
mit Schulen, die müssen nun gelebt werden. Des Weiteren unter-
stützen wir den Koordinator „Schülerpraktikum“, das Projekt
SEBEIK“, im Ilmkreis aktiv und finanziell.“
Was ist aus Ihrer Sicht das Besondere am Standort Ilmkreis?
Willems: „Durch die Autobahnanbindung sind es die kurzen Wege.
Beim Thema Freizeitangebote ist natürlich die Nähe zur Großstadt
Erfurt sehr wichtig. Und man hat das Naherholungsgebiet Thürin-
ger Wald inklusive Skigebiet vor der Haustür. Man kann also alles,
sowohl Arbeit als auch Freizeit finden, was letztlich ein positives
Lebensumfeld ausmacht. Darüber hinaus ist, wie man hier sehr gut
sehen kann, die Wirtschaft sehr gut vernetzt. Wer neu hierher
kommt, wird nicht allein gelassen. Er kann sich bei uns melden
und wird, wenn er es denn möchte, auch unterstützt.“
Winter: „Das ist eine Welt im Kleinen. Alles was man auch in gro-
ßen Ballungsräumen findet, liegt hier sehr nahe beieinander. Und
die Unternehmen stehen in einem sehr guten und freundschaft-
lichen Kontakt untereinander.“ (su)
Das Gespräch führte Chefredakteur Daniel Bormke
A total of 70 companies have joined forces in the Erfurter
Kreuz Initiative and now speak with one voice. Today, the
industrial area between Arnstadt and Ichtershausen em-
ploys around 12,000 people. The Wirtschaftsspiegel
Thüringen spoke with Franz-Josef Willems, the new chair-
man of the initiative and deputy chairman Martin Winter.
The goal of the initiative is to make the region more at-
tractive and to encourage people to stay here or people to
move here. People also need to be persuaded to return to
the area. “We will only be able to move the area forward,
if Thuringia as a whole has a positive image. When it
comes to employment, Thuringia has to be associated with
a good quality of life and be seen favourably by the rest
of Germany”, says Franz-Josef Willems. The number of ap-
plicants from the former West Germany has increased. The
initiative owes much to LEG and ThaFF for this develop-
ment. They have appeared together at trade fairs such as
Academix or jobfinder and were able to advise prospective
applicants on specific positions. This is a big advantage of
the initiative.
Within the association the promotion of a platform for ap-
plicants will be intensified. All 70 companies should ac-
cess it, instead of merely 10 at the moment. Not everyone
has understood that this interface has enormous potential.
The platform also ensures that companies don't poach
each others employees, because everyone has equal ac-
cess. In 2012, the association plans to deepen and expand
upon projects that have already been started. This applies
to the school-business interface and the question of skilled
workers. “We constantly assess our performance, to see
whether we are living up to our own high expectations.
Once we have firmly established the subject of the school-
business interface, we will then be much better placed to
organise activities such as trade fairs and company visits.
We have already brought to life a number of cooperatives
between companies and students,” continues Willems.
Additionally, a training coordinator for Ilm district has
been introduced, financed by the initiative. Chairman
Willems views the regions excellent motorway links as a
particular advantage. When it comes to recreation and
leisure facilities, it's proximity to the city of Erfurt is im-
portant. The Thuringian forest nature park and skiing re-
gion is also right on the doorstep. So you can find every-
thing that constitutes a positive environment here, be it
work or leisure related. Furthermore, the economy is very
well networked.
Whoever comes here, will not be disregarded. They can get
in touch with the initiative and if required, we will offer
our support.
Short Distances and
Great Potential